Why product development is so risky and how to lessen uncertainty?

Published on March 17, 2021 – 5-minute reading

Article in English

Source: here

In all things worth pursuing, there exists the ever-present risk of failure. Risk is simply unavoidable, particularly in the world of product development. As author Thomas Kuczmarski stated in « Managing New Products: Competing Through Excellence », risk is the backbone of new product development. It is the central core, the spinal cord, the brainstem.

It’s true that aversion to risk can prevent a product’s success, but so can the opposite. In my 25 years as a product developer, I’ve seen companies dismiss legitimate risks only to forge ahead with half-baked products or concepts that are either poorly researched or poorly executed – and ultimately end in failure.

So why is this process so risky, and what precautions can companies take to lessen uncertainty? Below are significant types of risks related to product development and ways these can be mitigated.

Market risk

At my firm, we’re constantly encouraging our clients to challenge their assumptions about people’s purchasing decisions by asking several important questions. How will people use your product? Will they see its value – and actually pay for it? If so, what is a realistic price point, and will it be enough to make your product profitable? The answers to these questions often prove certain assumptions to be incorrect.

Ideally, companies should also be running active market testing campaigns in parallel with development. This allows for a rapid cycles approach where we can quickly identify which feature set or design performs better. For example, a company can conduct online surveys, provide early product renderings via test websites or give sales teams topics to use when interacting with the market.

But it’s common for companies to overlook this critical step. For instance, after years in business, established organizations might get complacent and convince themselves there’s a little market risk or they know more about their customer base than they really do.

Product risk

In the early phases of development, much risk is related to product feasibility. For example, is it possible to build your product? If so, will it actually work? Many times, a company seeks to recreate a competitor’s product without realizing they don’t have access to either its design or certain proprietary components – and will have to develop one or both from scratch. When all is said and done, a project initially believed to require a $100,000 development budget could, in reality, cost closer to $1 million.

As an example, over the years, my firm has been approached by several companies wanting to develop a new Bluetooth in-ear headphone. After seeing these products on the market, they wanted to produce their own version with an added feature or two. However, their competitors were investing both in the product’s development and in its own proprietary microchips (which couldn’t be purchased). Therefore, we’d have to develop a dedicated chip for the product to be the appropriate size, which would require a multimillion-dollar investment that isn’t feasible for a small or midsized company.

Remember: Simply because a product has been developed previously (or by another company) doesn’t mean it can be copied inexpensively.

Organizational risks

For both start-ups and established businesses, organizational risks can also present challenges. Start-ups typically don’t have a channel to market and need to build relationships with distributors and fill inventory. They might not have product management experience, either. And when manufacturing changes arise (and they always do), how will these be handled? A start-up can be stumped by these problems, while experienced product managers at larger companies typically have a plan in place for addressing issues.

In midsized and established businesses, the development timeline can be a problem. Even if you’re developing the right product and the market cares about it, can the project be completed quickly enough? Your internal team may be occupied with existing products, so will they have the bandwidth (and are they skilled enough at development) to support new projects? A lot of companies fail here, so it could be wise to think about outsourcing product development to increase capabilities and capacity. Or, consider building a new research and development team that works in parallel with an existing engineering team.

Unforeseeable risks

Even after developing a sound product that has overcome the aforementioned challenges, there are still unforeseeable risks that can jeopardize its success, such as those related to politics, economic uncertainty, the weather, regulations, and competition.

Consider politics: In recent years, we’ve seen how the China-U.S. trade war and associated tariffs have affected supply chain costs. During this time, our sister company saw some product components increase in cost by 20% to 30% and didn’t have time to plan ahead. Or, take tax initiatives: These influence how businesses spend money, and if you’re developing automation equipment, for instance, your customers may change their spending habits based on decisions over which you have no control. Another unforeseeable risk that’s top of mind for most industries is the economic instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Risk mitigation

No company – whatever its size or experience – is immune to product development risk. So how can these risks be mitigated?

Whether you’re using an outside firm or building your own team, it’s crucial to have a well-defined, repeatable development process that allows time for questioning a product’s feasibility. When beginning a project, an initial risk assessment – typically performed during phase zero – can help determine where to focus early design engineering work.

Intentionally focusing on what product features really matter and what’s really known about the market can spark important conversations related to use case (how a customer will use and interact with a product). During phase zero, we test if we actually know something or if we’re making assumptions. These learnings provide important information for market testing. By focusing on unknowns and potential deal-breakers early in the product development process, a company can be better positioned to end a project before serious problems occur – and before investing too much money in a product that’s likely to fail.

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