How to launch a product during the pandemic?
Published on September 29, 2020 – 4-minute reading
Article in English
Source: here
During 2020, most CEOs (Chief Executive Officer) I speak with are thinking through how to emerge stronger post-pandemic. In this business climate, where customer needs are changing at an unprecedented rate, many companies seek growth through new product launches. As the financial, cultural, and reputation stakes are often higher than anticipated, I thought it wise to go to the iconic expert in product launches, Roger Grannis.
So, on September 2, 2020, I heard Roger speak on, « How to Get Salespeople to Love, Grow and Promote your Product Success » at The Silicon Valley Product Management Association. As background, he leads the GrannisGroup which has helped significantly improve performance at companies like: GE (General Electric), Underwriters Laboratories, Synchrony, and Royal Bank of Scotland; prior to that, during his 17-year tenure at Gartner, Grannis helped grow revenues from $25 million to $850 million by building the Gartner Sales Academy.
Robert Reiss: What are the challenges organizations have in bringing major products to market?
Roger Grannis: The failure rate of new products is 58%, so there are a few challenges. The number one reason new products fail is there is actually no customer need. After the investment of time, resources, and mental energy, we find out during the launch there is no customer need? That’s inexcusable.
Part of the problem is Product Managers sometimes work in isolation; they are enamored with gadgetry and commit to developing products before measuring their true market potential.
Another problem I see frequently is the sales team does not have a seat at the product development table. Sellers are closest to the customer base; they can provide practical insights into what will sell and what won’t.
Sales force resistance is another challenge. 67% of the companies we surveyed reported that sales teams resist selling new products some or all of the time. The top three reasons:
- It takes less effort to sell existing, proven products.
- Salespeople don’t want to risk existing relationships with unproven offerings.
- Salespeople are under too much pressure to achieve short-term results.
Reiss: In our current pandemic economics, how should CMOs (Chief Marketing Officer) and Business Leaders look differently at rolling out products?
Grannis: The sales training process for new products is broken and the pandemic has made it essential to fix it.
Product training is often the last item on a Product Manager’s to-do list. As such, it doesn’t get the attention it requires. I frequently see Product Managers dusting off old PowerPoint presentations the night before sales training sessions. They flip through the deck, lecturing away, overwhelming the sales force with too many details. Lecturing is not training; it’s a recipe for putting salespeople to sleep. Knowledge transfer occurs when there is interactivity, participation, and role-plays.
Business Leaders need to invest in teaching Product Managers how to train salespeople.
It starts with the right content. The four most important things a salesperson needs to know to sell a new product are:
- What is the customer’s need or challenge?
- Who is the right buyer to call on?
- What probing questions should I ask?
- How do I describe the product and what is the business value?
Salespeople are afraid of sounding unintelligent on sales calls. Our job is to build their confidence and help them feel comfortable having engaging conversations with prospects.
Reiss: These are interesting ideas. How do you know them to be true?
Grannis: GrannisGroup partnered with the University of Northern Colorado to conduct a research study, surveying 270 salespeople, Sales Leaders, and Product Managers around the world and conducting 20 in-depth interviews. The objective was to identify the best ways to launch new products through B2B sales teams. We knew there was a gap between product management and sales, but we wanted to pinpoint exactly what the problems were and how to fix them. And, we wanted this to be backed by hard data, not just years of experience.
Reiss: I was impressed with your speaking approach. I heard the Director of Programming for SVPMA, Debashish Niyogi, say your speech was one of the most informative presentations I’ve heard in a long time. What advice can you give others for putting speeches together?
Grannis: I start with the assumption that the audience is busy and preoccupied. Their minds are on other things. My job as a speaker is to get their attention, make a connection, and ensure that every second I’m speaking is filled with rich content that will help them be more effective on the job.
Preparation is key. Who is the audience? What are their challenges? What do they hope for? What do they fear? What insights will have the most impact?
Humans love stories, so I sprinkle those throughout. I also look for odd and unusual insights – those hold an audience’s interest. I add some interactivity through polling questions, rhetorical questions, asking the audience how they would apply particular concepts on the job. A sprinkle of humor never hurts.
Reiss: Any final advice for CMOs (Chief Marketing Officer) and Product Leaders?
Grannis: The cost of a failed product launch is staggering. You not only lose your investment, you lose the trust of the sales force, which can be difficult to regain. If the product launch stumbles at first, you risk losing the first-to-market competitive advantage you would have had had the initial product launch gone smoothly.
Have realistic expectations about the length of the new product sales cycle. Salespeople like to learn from salespeople, so be sure to have respected sellers share success stories throughout the training and coaching process.
Ultimately, salespeople are motivated by two things: cash and recognition. Bonuses and praise will go a long way toward making your new product launches a success.
Author of the article
Robert Reiss
Founder and CEO, The CEO Forum Group | Contributor, Forbes | USA
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