Product quality: A crucial part of the organisation’s DNA

Published on December 2, 2014 – 3-minute watching

Video in English

Source: here

The group of people that do not use quality in their marketing are the Japanese. You never see them using quality in their marketing. It’s only the American companies that do. And yet, if you ask people on the street, which products have the best reputation for quality, they will tell you the Japanese products. Now why is that? How could that be? Do customers form their opinions from marketing or the experience with the product or service?

Steve Jobs discusses different aspects of quality, which is a crucial part of the organisation’s DNA, and the people involved in the process. They try to create very efficient processes from the customer to the delivery of the finished products, in order to have the most innovative products and to understand the customers’ needs as quickly as possible. Frontline staff needs to be actively involved in continuous improvement processes. Sad reality is, the majority of organisations actively discourage frontline staff involvement, under the presumption they are all stupid, and management knows best.

Author of the video

Steve Jobs 

Founder and CEO, Apple Inc | USA


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Product Manager

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